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堅固又輕盈,展示好輕鬆中、大尺寸的金屬照片,裝裱完成後輕盈又堅固,適合各式牆面的懸掛展示 |
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可清潔、好保養金屬照片可以使用清水或潔用酒精清潔作品表面,日常保養便利又輕鬆 |
front. back. All beautiful
Brighter colors and longer shelf life for long-term display of art and treasured photos
金屬無框畫 vs 畫布無框畫
特性 | 金屬無框畫 |
基材 | 金屬鋁板 採用世界知名品牌 ChromaLuxe |
畫布 (純棉/聚酯纖維/混紡) 可能有品牌,或是沒有品牌 |
照片質感 | 平滑表面 | 凹凸布紋表面 |
背框/背板 | ✅ 背框為金屬鋁框 材質輕、不怕潮濕水氣、耐久存 |
❌ 木製/泡綿/紙板的背框背板 材質不一、怕潮濕、不耐久存 |
製程原理 | 熱壓轉印技術印製 墨水融入特殊塗層 |
數位輸出,藝術微噴 墨水停留在畫布表層 |
典藏等級 | ✅ 典藏等級 | 典藏等級 (用品牌畫布) /非典藏等級 (用無品牌畫布) |
可清潔性 | ✅ 容易日常清潔 ✅ 用清水、潔用酒精輕拭表面,清潔保養 |
可能可以輕拭來清潔 (依商品說明為主) |
最佳保存條件 | ✅ 無特定保存條件 ✅浴室、廚房展示OK |
溫度21℃/相對濕度50%以下 美術館等級,有控溫控濕的環境 |
抗褪色性 | ✅ 抗褪色 ✅ 表層沒有毛細孔,杜絕空氣污染 |
❌ 不耐褪色 ❌ 畫布有毛細孔,會接收空氣污染源 |
防水性 | ✅ 防水、防潮濕 ✅ 表層沒有毛細孔,水氣無法滲入 |
❌ 不防水、不耐潮 ❌ 畫布有毛細孔,水氣會滲入紙張 |
抗藥劑 耐污染性 |
✅ 抗化學藥劑、耐污染 ✅ 表層無毛細孔,化學藥劑無法滲入 |
❌ 不防化學藥劑、不耐污染 ❌ 畫布有毛細孔,會接收化學藥劑 |
防刮傷性 | ✅ 防刮傷 ✅ 表層為硬質材質,沒有毛細孔 |
❌ 不耐刮 ❌ 畫布不耐刮,尤其黑色墨水易磨損 |
... | 金屬無框畫 | 藝術微噴.畫布無框畫 |
色彩表現 |
細節呈現 |
輸出媒材 | 嚴選業界最高規格的 ChromaLuxe:
... | 金屬無框畫 | 藝術微噴.畫布無框畫 |
裱框方式 | 無框畫背掛框 |
依照傳統油畫方式裱框 將油畫布相紙四邊拉緊後固定於2-4公分厚的木框上 |
觀看經驗 | 沒有玻璃或壓克力的阻隔,直接觀賞 |
沒有玻璃或壓克力的阻隔,直接觀賞 |
展示性 | 重量輕盈
... | 金屬無框畫 | 藝術微噴.畫布無框畫 |
防水性 | 防潑水、耐潮濕 整體均由金屬鋁製品製成 |
相紙不防水、不防潮(註1) 木框防潮度依木材而定,不如鋁製品 |
抗褪色性 | 耐光性是銀鹽相紙的三倍(註2) 耐褪色,影像不變黃 |
不確定其畫布的材質細節,無法提供相關報告 |
保存條件 | 合適在高溫潮濕的台灣長久保存 無特定保存條件,耐高溫、防潮濕 浴室及廚房也OK |
不適合在台灣高溫潮濕環境中長久保存 最適溫度: 4℃/相對溼度: 30-50% (註1) |
抗刮性 | 耐刮程度遠優於藝術微噴相紙 (Hoffman刮痕硬度測試達1800) |
不耐刮 (註1) (雖不確定紙材,可從使用墨水推測) |
清潔保養 | 可用僅含酒精之清潔劑輕拭表面清潔保養 觀看影片-「能清潔的相片」 |
無法清潔擦拭 |
資料來源:IPI Guide to Preservation of Digitally-Printed Photographs, by Daniel Burge, 2014
資料來源:ChromaLuxe Achieves 3 Times the Print Display Permanence Rating Compared to Silver-Halide Color Papers, 2016
資料來源:WIR Epson SureColor P10000 and P20000 – Print Permanence Ratings 1, 2019
High gloss surface. Semi-glossy
Metal frameless painting. Two surface materials available
Frameless painting photo size FAQ
長方形 | 價格(NT) |
無框畫印製 |
8x10" 約20x25cm | $2,100 | ||
8x12" 約20x30cm | $2,200 | ||
12x16" 約30x40cm | $3,700 | ||
12x18" 約30x45cm | $3,800 | ||
16x24" 約40x60cm | $5,400 | ||
20x30" 約50x75cm | $8,000 | ||
24x30" 約60x75cm | $9,000 | ||
24x36" 約60x90cm | $10,100 | ||
30x40" 約75x100cm | $13,900 | ||
32x40" 約80x100cm | $14,700 | ||
40x60" 約100x150cm | $30,900 |
正方形/圓形 | 價格(NT) |
10x10" 約25x25cm | $2,300 | |
16x16" 約40x40cm | $4,700 | |
20x20" 約50x50cm | $5,900 | |
圓形8" 約20cm | $2,400 | |
圓形11" 約28cm | $3,300 |
We have free evaluation services, welcome to upload your files to us
Fill out the Google Chinese form and upload the image file
Fill out the Google English form and upload the image file
- We use efficient Google forms. A single form can upload up to 10 image files, and accept files with a maximum size of 1GB for a single file.
- The completed image files uploaded here are only for "Q&A" purposes. We will not store your information and cannot automatically convert it to an order.
How big a file do I need to provide for frameless painting output?
Best picture quality: 300ppi
- When the size of the image file is larger, it means the richer the data contained in the printed metal photo. Frameless paintings will also be more detailed
- We recommend using 300ppi resolution image files to create metal images. Frameless painting, and defining 300ppi as the "best pixel"
Minimum image quality: 150ppi
- Currently, there are many professional AI image processing software that can adjust the image size. The effect depends on the original file content and the calculation method of the software. If the detail and clarity of the original image are sufficient, a metal impression four times larger than the original file can be produced.
- The results printed at 150ppi resolution are also very acceptable. Therefore, we set the "minimum pixels" to 150ppi to ensure the quality of the finished product.
We will be happy to assist you. Small image files can also be printed as photos.
- When printing online, if the pixels of the file do not reach 150ppi, our system will issue a warning. You are welcome to order in the "Resolution < 150ppi" section to complete your ordering process.
- The image file size recommended here, as well as the impact of resolution size on the quality of metal photo output, refer to the file size you originally shot, and do not include the results after using post-production software to expand the file or adjust the resolution.
Resolution does not equal image quality
- Kindly remind us that our online system cannot judge the quality of your image files, such as clarity and brightness.
- Before uploading the file, we recommend that you enlarge the file to at least 100%-200% on your computer and examine the details of the image in detail to avoid slight differences between the results and your imagination.
無框畫尺寸 |
8x10":約20x25cm | 2400 x 3000 | 1200 x 1500 | 8.1 x 10.125" |
8x12":約20x30cm | 2400 x 3600 | 1200 x 1800 | 8.1 x 12.15" |
12x16":約30x40cm | 3600 x 4800 | 1800 x 2400 | 12.15 x 16.2" |
12x18":約30x45cm | 3600 x 5400 | 1800 x 2700 | 12.15 x 18.23" |
16x24":約40x60cm | 4800 x 7200 | 2400 x 3600 | 16.2 x 24.3" |
20x30":約50x75cm |
6000 x 9000 | 3000 x 4500 | 20.33 x 30.5" |
24x30":約60x75cm | 7200 x 9000 | 3600 x 4500 | 24.4 x 30.5" |
24x36":約60x90cm | 7200 x 10800 | 3600 x 5400 | 24.4 x 36.5" |
30x40":約75x100cm | 9000 x 12000 | 4500 x 6000 | 30.5 x 40.6" |
32x40":約80x100cm | 9600 x 12000 | 4800 x 6000 | 32.5 x 40.6" |
40x60":約100x150cm | 12000 x 18000 | 6000 x 9000 | 40.5 x 60.75" |
10x10":約25x25cm | 3000 x 3000 | 1500 x 1500 | 10.125 x 10.125" |
16x16":約40x40cm | 4800 x 4800 | 2400 x 2400 | 16.2 x 16.2" |
20x20":約50x50cm | 6000 x 6000 | 3000 x 3000 | 20.3 x 20.3" |
圓形 8":約20cm | 2400 x 2400 | 1200 x 1200 | 8.1 x 8.1" |
圓形 11":約28cm | 3300 x 3300 | 1700 x 1700 | 11.15 x 11.15" |

Family photo frameless painting
Treasure every moment of happiness

Travel photos frameless painting
Relive the good times on the road

Try metal frameless painting output
The ultimate display of art
Print photos online. Frameless painting production

Metal photo frameless painting
Provide "fixed" and "customized" various printing sizes
Learn about fixed size pricing

x-rite PANTONE
Professional color control
We have X-Rite PANTONE "Professional Color Control Expert" certification and strictly implement color management to ensure that each color is accurately presented.

Post Office
Top safe shipping
Within the post office's specifications, we provide free shipping services to the mainland of Taiwan, and additional shipping insurance to ensure that the work is delivered to you safely.