What is the difference between metal printing and other image output methods, such as giclee and digital giclee?
Like giclée output, "ChromaLuxe metal printing" is a high-definition digital image output and printing technology. Specifically, both use special ink and image output machines to present digital images on a dedicated In terms of media, it is suitable for presenting photography works, reproduction paintings, and digital prints, etc. We analyze and compare popular graphic art installations based on image quality, ease of display, and storage conditions.
The quality and value of "Brilliant Metal Imprint"
Super bright, super three-dimensional
The resolution and color performance of dazzling metallic images can present the details of high-quality digital images, and at the same time have a 3D stereoscopic effect
Daily cleaning is very convenient
There is no other media that can be stored for a long time in hot and humid environments such as bathrooms and kitchens like Xuancai metal prints. It can also be used for daily maintenance with household cleaning products.
Non-toxic, environmentally friendly, love the earth
The colorful metal printing based on aluminum plate not only has its metallic properties, being scratch-proof and flame-proof, the printed works are also safe and non-toxic, and are suitable for decoration in various occasions.
... | ChromaLuxe金屬印像 |
藝術微噴,無框畫 |
色彩表現 |
細節呈現 |
輸出媒材 | 多種品牌金屬鋁板,我們選擇業界最高規格的 ChromaLuxe:
... | 炫采金屬印像 |
藝術微噴,無框畫 |
裱框方式 | 可依照喜好自由選擇不同裱框方式:
依照傳統油畫方式裱框,將油畫布相紙四邊拉緊後固定於2-4公分厚的木框上 |
觀看經驗 | 沒有玻璃或壓克力的阻隔,直接觀賞 |
隔著透明壓克力觀賞,無法直接欣賞 壓克力及玻璃的透光性將影響觀賞經驗 |
沒有玻璃或壓克力的阻隔,直接觀賞 |
展示性 | 重量輕盈 金屬印像厚度僅有1.14mm,不論大小尺寸的作品,加上鋁製內框或外框後仍然十分輕盈又堅固,非常適合各種場合的展示及展覽。商品頁面有完整重量資訊 |
重量重 相紙運用各種方式裱框增加其展示性與保存性,成品重量最重,同時,畫幅越大重量的差異性越大 |
重量介於中間 無框畫照片運用木製畫框固定,相紙本身無防護,如輕拍正面可產生類似鼓聲的共鳴音,整體重量依木框厚度及品質而定 |
... | 炫采金屬印像 |
藝術微噴,無框畫 |
防水性 | 防潑水、耐潮濕 整體均由金屬鋁製品製成 |
裱框材質包含卡紙、背板,防潮性不一 |
相紙不防水、不防潮(註1) 木框防潮度依木材而定,不如鋁製品 |
抗褪色性 | 耐光性是銀鹽相紙的三倍(註2) 耐褪色,影像不變黃 |
在24℃/相對溼度: 60%/玻璃裱框保護下,顏色可維持數十年至百年不褪色(註3) |
不確定其相紙種類,無法提供相關報告 |
保存條件 | 合適在高溫潮濕的台灣長久保存 無特定保存條件,耐高溫、防潮濕 浴室及廚房也OK |
不適合在台灣高溫潮濕環境中長久保存 最適溫度: 4℃/相對溼度: 30-50% (註1) |
不適合在台灣高溫潮濕環境中長久保存 最適溫度: 4℃/相對溼度: 30-50% (註1) |
抗刮性 | 耐刮程度遠優於藝術微噴相紙 (Hoffman刮痕硬度測試達1800) |
不耐刮 (註1) (尤其是黑色墨水非常容易磨損) |
不耐刮 (註1) (雖不確定紙材,可從使用墨水推測) |
清潔保養 | 可使用僅含酒精之清潔劑輕拭表面清潔保養 觀看「能用酒精清潔的相片」影片 |
無法清潔擦拭 | 無法清潔擦拭 |
Photos are usually available in different finishes, is HD Metal Print also available for metal photos?
Shiny Metallic Imprints are currently available in two finishes: high-gloss and semi-gloss.
Whether it is a high-gloss surface or a semi-gloss surface, the color performance and layering are equally excellent. The main difference lies in the brightness and reflection of the metal image. We recommend that you consider ordering the two materials for the first time and compare them to decide which surface material is suitable. Your work!