[Old photo resuscitation + old photo engraving]💝
Super bright metal photos, with the brightest memories, are the most beautiful highlights in the home
After Fan’s father learned about our “Old Photo Re-engraving” project, he brought old photos and hoped that we could help to re-enact the precious family portraits many years ago... We took a look at the photos, and they should have been specially posed in a photo studio at that time. Marks (scratches, discoloration, warped photos), well preserved!
"How big a photo do you want to print?"
"How big can it be printed?" Fan's father never took his eyes off the photo in his hand...
"It can be printed in the size of about two A4 sheets, okay?"
"Really? That's great!" Papa Fan's eyes sparkled instantly!
When discussing the details of the framing, Dad Fan chose the gold metal frame without hesitation. We smiled knowingly. The most beautiful memory is to put on the most ✨shining✨gold frame!
Last night, we personally sent the re-engraved metal photos to the house, opened the presents, and everyone was so happy to see the old photos with gorgeous turns. Fan’s father and Fan’s mother kept saying, I was so handsome and beautiful when I was young ⋯Sister Fan also recalled that when I was a child, everyone said I looked like my mother... The happy atmosphere made us deeply feel that what we submitted was not two metal photos, but a never-unfading. The happiness and warmth of color, good memory!
Finally, Sister Fan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Is there an extra layer of glass on the photo? Why is it so beautiful?"
Really, the super bright metal photo, with the flashiest memory, is the most beautiful highlight of the home!
Old photo size: 15x20cm & 12.5x15cm
Metal Photo Replica Size: 12x16inch (30.5x40.6cm)
- 專注服務:老照片修復與金屬照片復刻,讓回憶永恆保存
- 高精度掃描:採用專業照片掃描器,細緻捕捉每個細節
- AI與人工修復:結合AI技術與人工精細修復,盡力還原珍貴影像
- 專業印製:以先進技術將影像印製於金屬畫上,打造經典耐久的紀念照片
特性 |
金屬照片 |
基材 | 相紙紙張 如EPSON, ILFORD等 | ChromaLuxe 金屬鋁板 |
製程原理 | 數位輸出 墨水停留在紙張表層 |
數位輸出+熱壓轉印技術,製程繁複 完成後墨水融入表面特殊塗層 |
典藏等級 | 典藏等級 | 典藏等級 |
解析度 | 高解析度,影像銳利 | 中等解析度,自然呈現 |
保存條件 | 最佳:保持在21℃/相對溼度50%以下 (不適合台灣高溫潮濕環境) |
不需要特定保存條件 (合適台灣環境,即使浴室及廚房也OK) |
防水性 | 不防水、不耐潮 (紙張有毛細孔,水氣會滲入紙張) |
防水、防潮濕 (表面塗層沒有毛細孔,水氣無法滲入) |
抗褪色性 | 不耐褪色 (紙張有毛細孔,會接收空氣污染源) |
可抗褪色 (表面塗層沒有毛細孔,杜絕空氣污染源) |
抗刮傷性 | 不耐刮 (紙張不耐刮,尤其黑色墨水易磨損) |
防刮傷 (表面塗層為硬質材質,平滑無毛細孔) |
耐污染性 | 不防化學藥劑不耐污染 (紙張有毛細孔,會接收化學藥劑) |
抗化學藥劑、耐污染 (表面塗層無毛細孔,化學藥劑無法滲入) |
可清潔性 | 無法清潔擦拭 |
容易日常清潔 (可使用清水或潔用酒精輕拭表面清潔保養) |
本文作者 瑋思影像
瑋思影像於2016年成立,專精於 ChromaLuxe 金屬照片製作。
x-rite PANTONE
我們有 X-Rite PANTONE 「專業級色彩控制達人」認證,嚴格執行色彩管理,確保每一色彩精準呈現
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