
Printing old photos of customers can't help but recall childhood memories

Printing old photos of customers can't help but recall childhood memories, as well as the loving sisters' clothes sewn by my mother

When I was a child, I looked forward to the holiday the most. My parents took us on picnics, because at that time, I could wear the sister clothes that my mother sewed for me and my sister, and my father would also take pictures for us. After a few years, my mother will still take particularly good photos and edit them into a collection, which can be read at any time.

It's a pity that after so many years, the photos are either yellowed and faded, or the luster is lost, and they are gradually being dusted at the bottom of the drawer, and they are only taken out for nostalgia when I think of them occasionally!

And my life, along with the evolution of time, moves forward silently...

At the age of 39, I left the office life of more than 10 years, and then returned to school to study photography. I was also fortunate to be a resident artist, working with a group of young and talented partners. After the age of forty, I keep trying new fields. Although I am always the "most senior newcomer", I also enjoy it, because I know that I am moving towards my interests and goals step by step!

In 2018, the new technology and media of metal aluminum plate photos were introduced under the chance meeting. Metal aluminum plate photos are suitable for long-term preservation in Taiwan, and it also allows everyone to no longer worry about the fading and deterioration of traditional photos. And I, Finally, I was able to practice the unfinished project in my heart through what I learned in photography, which is the "Old Photo Re-enactment" project.

Through this project, old photos with a sense of the times can finally be replaced with new clothes and restored to their former glory. Appreciating these bright and precious memories again, I will really catch the time train unconsciously, returning to the happy time of childhood, precious family travel, invincible youth, and those smiles that I want to keep most, and the beautiful old times.

I remember one time, we sent the finished metal photos to the elders who ordered them in person. They were two family portrait photos taken in the photo studio two years ago, around 1967 and 1977. When they opened the package box, the whole family was very happy looking at the old photos of gorgeous turns, and the aunt kept saying: "Look at how handsome you were when you were young, and I was so beautiful then..." The eldest sister also recalled: "When I was young, everyone said I look like my mother!" At that moment and that happy atmosphere, we deeply felt that what we submitted was not two metal photos, but a happy, warm and beautiful memory that will never fade!

What we often talk about, "Turn the shining good times into real contact", is really not just a slogan, but our original intention when we started restoring old photos.

It is a great honor for us to meet you through such an opportunity, thank you!



  • 專注服務:老照片修復與金屬照片復刻,讓回憶永恆保存
  • 高精度掃描:採用專業照片掃描器,細緻捕捉每個細節
  • AI與人工修復:結合AI技術與人工精細修復,盡力還原珍貴影像
  • 專業印製:以先進技術將影像印製於金屬畫上,打造經典耐久的紀念照片




基材 相紙紙張
ChromaLuxe 金屬鋁板
製程原理 數位輸出
典藏等級 典藏等級
解析度 高解析度,影像銳利 中等解析度,自然呈現
保存條件 最佳:保持在21℃/相對溼度50%以下
防水性 不防水、不耐潮
抗褪色性 不耐褪色

抗刮傷性 不耐刮
耐污染性 不防化學藥劑不耐污染
可清潔性 無法清潔擦拭 容易日常清潔

本文作者 瑋思影像

瑋思影像於2016年成立,專精於 ChromaLuxe 金屬照片製作。



x-rite PANTONE


我們有 X-Rite PANTONE 「專業級色彩控制達人」認證,嚴格執行色彩管理,確保每一色彩精準呈現
Post Office



金屬照片 無框畫
