邱麗瓔 《小島系列 》堅持追夢,成就藝術之旅

Qiu Liying's "Small Island Series" insists on pursuing dreams and achieving artistic journey

Since we met artist Qiu Liying at the end of 2020, we have witnessed a touching and inspiring journey.

In order to prepare for her solo exhibition in 2021, Qiu Liying contacted us as early as a year ago. After the solo exhibition, she went a step further and was selected for the KG+ event held in Kyoto, Japan in 2022, allowing her "Island Series" works to be displayed in Kyoto, Japan from Kaohsiung. Qiu Liying firmly pursues her artistic dreams and continuously improves her creations. At the end of the same year, Art Bank acquired her work "Island Series #Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter", and she officially became a national artist.

Over the past four years, we have been fortunate to participate in Qiu Liying’s journey of passion and dream pursuit. Although it was full of hard work and sweat, she always persevered, walked on the ideal path, showed her love and talent for art, and reaped the fruits of success.

While we warmly applaud this strong artist Qiu Liying who dares to pursue her dreams, we also look forward to and wish her the next four wonderful and fruitful years.

Follow the artist :

Facebook: CHIU LI YING Digital Art 
Official website : linktr.ee/chiuliying

all photos by CHIU LI YING Digital Art

Works acquired by Art Bank

Here, let us once again introduce Qiu Liying’s series of works that were collected and purchased. (Due to copyright reasons, we cannot display the image of the work itself here)

This work is on the link page of Art Bank

Title: Small Island Series #Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Creation Year: 2020
Work size: 30.3 x 45.6 x 2.5 cm x 4p
work Media: thermal transfer metal imaging, aluminum plate

Appreciation of works

Artist Qiu Liying, who loves photography, uses photos taken in Taiwan and around the world as material, extracts the images, and recombines them into isolated and closed islands. In the work "Small Island Series #Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter", she created an island composed of dense yellow-green woods using the bald cypress trees in Liuying, Tainan. Another painting depicts a work that seems to be surrounded by white clouds or snow. The snow on the island is a snow scene she took in Japan in the past. Birds can be seen on every island. Some are swimming leisurely on the water or hovering in the sky, while others are standing on the treetops or on the ground. Through the body movements of the birds, they bring the finishing touch to the quiet island. Effect. She uses "thermal transfer metal imaging" technology to create her works. This is a method of printing images on aluminum plates through thermal transfer, which can make the finished product more shiny and effectively protect the work.

本文作者 瑋思影像

瑋思影像於2016年成立,專精於 ChromaLuxe 金屬照片製作。



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