
Take the time train and return to the memory engraved in my heart

"Sister Weisi's Broken Thoughts"

On that day, the senior sent a message that he wanted to use our old photo (negative) recovery technique to reproduce the precious memory of climbing Baiyue in college. Because the negatives are old, the state of preservation is not very ideal. After repairing and printing the metal print, my sister thinks the fu is great, but the clarity is a little bit worse. She also reported the situation truthfully. I was worried that the seniors would I was a little disappointed, I didn't expect the senior who hadn't seen the reprinted results yet, super Asha replied: "Actually, I'm very happy after washing it", which made my sister feel relieved and sent the finished product.

My sister, who has studied photography for many years, hopes to be able to help everyone restore the negatives and print them out, so as to reproduce these precious moments. My sister said that before the work is sent out, I hold it in hand and enjoy it. Although the protagonist is not myself at all, I can’t bear it. I can't help but smile, the owner of the photo will be so happy when he sees the result of the re-enactment for the first time, one can imagine!

Unexpectedly, I was at home on vacation, drinking coffee and admiring the rain outside the window. I jumped out of the article "Water of Life" from Haige's travel and meals , and there are photos of the summit. Although the article is long, I can't help but read a lot Over and over again, every sentence is intriguing. With the senior's words, my sister also took a trip to the three-star restaurant in Florence and the southern section of the Central Mountain Range! The last few sentences of the senior's article "... hang on the wall behind the dining table. When drinking tea, look up. The beautiful mountain scenery and sea of ​​clouds, the old friends and partners, are vividly remembered, and the sip of water of life flavor.” It’s definitely super visual!

"Turning the shining good times into real contact" is really not a slogan, but our original intention to restore old photos. Thank you seniors for recognizing and sharing this wonderful experience. I am deeply honored!

#South Section of Central Mountain Range
#Beinan main mountain

The link to the article "Water of Life" of senior "Hai Ge's Travel and Eat Light":

【About old photo engraving】

[Details of metal prints]

- Use the ChromaLuxe patented aluminum plate imported from the United States - High-quality metal photos - Suitable for humid and high temperature Taiwan - Kitchen, bathroom, and basement are also OK
- American WIR research has confirmed that indoor display will not fade for more than 50 years - super bright colors, super three-dimensional images, super environmentally friendly materials - alcohol disinfection ✅ safe and sound 💯 waterproof ✅ heat resistant ✅

【Welcome to contact us】

- Tel: 049-231-7109 (Monday to Friday 10am-6pm)
- Email: info@metalprintstudio.com

Environmental protection small vanguard ♻️
Focus on doing one thing well❤
Hyun Choi Metal Printing Specialty Factory 🌟



  • 專注服務:老照片修復與金屬照片復刻,讓回憶永恆保存
  • 高精度掃描:採用專業照片掃描器,細緻捕捉每個細節
  • AI與人工修復:結合AI技術與人工精細修復,盡力還原珍貴影像
  • 專業印製:以先進技術將影像印製於金屬畫上,打造經典耐久的紀念照片




基材 相紙紙張
ChromaLuxe 金屬鋁板
製程原理 數位輸出
典藏等級 典藏等級
解析度 高解析度,影像銳利 中等解析度,自然呈現
保存條件 最佳:保持在21℃/相對溼度50%以下
防水性 不防水、不耐潮
抗褪色性 不耐褪色

抗刮傷性 不耐刮
耐污染性 不防化學藥劑不耐污染
可清潔性 無法清潔擦拭 容易日常清潔

本文作者 瑋思影像

瑋思影像於2016年成立,專精於 ChromaLuxe 金屬照片製作。



x-rite PANTONE


我們有 X-Rite PANTONE 「專業級色彩控制達人」認證,嚴格執行色彩管理,確保每一色彩精準呈現
Post Office



金屬照片 無框畫
