
Welcome to Weisi, parking is so convenient

Thank you to every customer and manufacturer who visited us. The journey is really a long one!

In previous years, when customers came to visit, their vehicles could be parked in the visitor parking lot in the park. However, in recent years, the park has become more and more lively and parking spaces have become difficult to find. The parking spaces in the visitor parking lot are all occupied by colleagues in the park. Visitors can only park in the visitor parking lot. You can find parking spaces anywhere around the park.

It's great that the new "Zhongke Parking Lot" has been opened. It's right near our park. It's only 160 meters away from the park's reception counter. It's super convenient!

✨ Listen carefully to customer needs and provide complete product experience and consulting services ✨
✨Using the highest specification ChromaLuxe® metal aluminum plate to print metal photos✨
✨We are professional in both photography and printing, providing a full range of services✨
✨Complete color management to ensure color accuracy✨
✨ Adhere to the delicate hand-made method to complete each metal image✨
✨Printing and mounting, the whole process is completed in the process room, no outsourcing processing✨

Let us help you recreate every wonderful and wonderful moment on the "Brilliant Metal Impression"

. real. Reality. catch. touch. Every precious memory.

We provide professional consulting services. You are welcome to tell us your needs, and we will provide the most suitable suggestions according to your needs!