
Printing metal impressions: SOP disclosed

Q1. Metal printing like Guisensen is suitable for printing my file? Does it look good?

When communicating with customers, we can feel that this is everyone's biggest worry... 😌 We will proactively respond to everyone here first!

To be honest, we have to receive the original (uncompressed) image files before we can judge, so we have to ask you to provide us with the files first~ We have standard operating procedures (SOP). If the works are not suitable for printing, we will not only respond truthfully, but also Will refund 100%!

Process 1. Before printing, we will carefully check the image file. If there are any problems, in addition to actively contacting the customer, if the customer decides not to print before printing, we will provide a 100% refund.

Process 2. Before officially printing the product, we will first internally test print it on a 2x3" metal plate (1:1 small proof) to ensure that there are no problems with the color, brightness, contrast and other details.

We have accumulated many small proofs in the past few years. These behind-the-scenes heroes are lying quietly in the corner with no one paying attention. Unexpectedly, they are lined up in a row and are as bright as new. At first glance, they are as bright as a cassette. They are so beautiful. What do you think?

Q2. Can you help me make the face in the photo pointer? Can you help me make the photo more beautiful?

Regarding post-production... I'm very sorry, we only provide metal photo printing and do not provide image post-production services. If necessary, we can recommend relevant post-production studios to you!

However, we will still adjust the files while staying true to the work.

In order to present the best printing quality of metal prints and enhance the viewing experience, we provide free file expansion, sharpening and contrast brightness adjustment. Although these adjustments are part of our standardized printing process, the purpose is to restore the work itself. The appearance cannot be regarded as post-production. Let’s take brightness as an example. Our mobile phone or computer screen is a backlight. No matter whether the ambient light is bright or dark, the brightness seems to be the same. However, the photo itself does not emit light. In the sun, it will be different in a weak light environment. The brightness of the photos is different when viewed, so we will make pre-press adjustments based on our experience, but the purpose is to be faithful to the appearance of the work itself.

If you still feel that the photo is dark after getting the metal print, we recommend viewing the photo in an environment with sufficient light. It should not be too dark.

In addition, we will not make any other special adjustments to individual files, but we will carefully check each received image file. When we find that there are any questions about the file, including #dust spots, #post-production traces, etc., we will proactively contact you And inform the customer that we will proceed to the next step after you confirm that it is correct.

【Welcome to contact us】
Upload files and ask questions on the official website: https://bit.ly/3jPGbbC
Official Line consultation: https://lin.ee/b7VhWxJ
Phone (Monday to Friday 10am-6pm): 049-231-7109
Email: info@metalprintstudio.com

Focus on doing one thing well❤
Xuancai Metal Print Specialty Manufacturing Center

✨ Listen carefully to customer needs and provide complete product experience and consulting services ✨
✨Using the highest specification ChromaLuxe® metal aluminum plate to print metal photos✨
✨We are professional in both photography and printing, providing a full range of services✨
✨Complete color management to ensure color accuracy✨
✨ Adhere to the delicate hand-made method to complete each metal image✨
✨Printing and mounting, the whole process is completed in the process room, no outsourcing processing✨

Let us help you recreate every wonderful and wonderful moment on the "Brilliant Metal Impression"

. real. Reality. catch. touch. Every precious memory.

We provide professional consulting services. You are welcome to tell us your needs, and we will provide the most suitable suggestions according to your needs!