
We proactively help save costs and will no longer accept urgent orders from new customers from now on!

In order to proactively help new customers save money, we no longer accept rush orders from new customers⋯⋯

Please don’t get me wrong, urgent orders from old customers will not be affected at all!
Old customers, we will do our best to help you with your urgent orders❤️

In the past, when new customers requested urgent printing orders, we saw that the customers were anxious and reluctantly agreed, which would eventually lead to many hiccups. Therefore, we are sorry that we have decided not to accept urgent orders from new customers anymore⋯⋯

The main reasons are as follows:

1. New customers rush to make a decision before they understand the features of our products...
Although our website has a very detailed product introduction, anxious customers don’t even have time to look at it. They often ask a question. We answer where and where to see the information on the product page. The customer replies: "Where can I post it?" give to me?"
This is risky. New customers don’t know enough about metal printing, and they only know one thing but not the other. If we accept the order and print it, the new customer suddenly discovers that another feature of metal printing is not what he wants. Isn’t this embarrassing?
2. After the special order was completed, the new customer suddenly found that the details of a certain product (although it was clearly marked on the product webpage) were not what he imagined (because he did not read the product introduction carefully), and asked us to solve the problem...
Often it is the personality that is perceptual or pursues perfection that has the energy to produce the work and execute it! Because of his unconstrained thinking logic, it is understandable that he has specific requirements for the presentation details of certain works. Just when the appearance of the metal impression does not meet his requirements...
For example, each metal print has rounded corners to ensure that it does not hurt your hands. A new customer placed an order without reading the product description clearly. The work was printed in a hurry, but he wanted us to cut off the rounded corners...
We politely said OK, with a proviso... Trimming the edges after the metal impression is printed is not a standard procedure, so the integrity of the edge surface coating is not guaranteed. The customer replied: "Can you please confirm with your technician?"
Maybe our soft nails are a bit reserved, but we clearly feel that new customers feel that since we have accepted the order, we have an obligation to meet their requirements...

3. Feel the unhappiness of new customers when communicating

In the process of communicating orders, we politely suggest that new customers, if they are not satisfied with our handling methods, we will eat them and issue a 100% refund directly, even if the production is completed, but...urgent order = urgent need, new customers also If he doesn’t accept it, he replies: “A refund will not solve the problem”!
Trying our best to answer customer questions is our basic customer service, but you should ask us if you can solve the question before placing an order. If we cannot solve it, it means that the metal impression does not meet the needs, and you should use other media that better meet the needs ~
However, new customers pressed the line to order works and asked us to solve the problem of products that were not in line with the characteristics of the products. They also refused to accept our proposal to accept compensation and refund. This... this... this... this...

4. Our decision: proactively help new customers save money

Metal printing is really not cheap, and indoor display can be guaranteed for 50 years. We sincerely hope that new customers will first watch our video, read our introduction, understand in detail, and compare carefully before ordering if they feel it is suitable. We also recommend printing one first to double-check that our media meets the requirements...
We are full of joy to help you print your works. Of course, we also hope that our customers will be satisfied and happy after receiving the works, so that we can have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future.
We are honored to be a merchant for new customers who want to rush to order printed products, but we are also worried that new customers will rush to place an order without thinking carefully about it, and are not satisfied with our handling of the process. As a result, they will spend money to pay for their sins. Therefore, we decided to take the initiative to help new customers save this expense...
If you are in a hurry to hold an exhibition or send gifts, we recommend that you choose familiar media to avoid unnecessary complications.
Of course, if you want to try the effect of ChromaLuxe metal printing, we are happy to assist you. Take the time to fully understand this medium before deciding whether to order it!

✨ Listen carefully to customer needs and provide complete product experience and consulting services ✨
✨Using the highest specification ChromaLuxe® metal aluminum plate to print metal photos✨
✨We are professional in both photography and printing, providing a full range of services✨
✨Complete color management to ensure color accuracy✨
✨ Adhere to the delicate hand-made method to complete each metal image✨
✨Printing and mounting, the whole process is completed in the process room, no outsourcing processing✨

Let us help you recreate every wonderful and wonderful moment on the "Brilliant Metal Impression"

. real. Reality. catch. touch. Every precious memory.

We provide professional consulting services. You are welcome to tell us your needs, and we will provide the most suitable suggestions according to your needs!