


最後這一批作品,我們安排親自送達,眼見就要店休了,瑋思姐姐怕有突發狀況(其實是怕我們有所遺漏啦),前幾天還先主動詢問客戶,是不是需要將完成的作品拍個照傳過去,先確認一下作品的內容是正確的… 我們的想法是:「如有突發狀況,還有時間可以修正的」...

沒想到客戶對我們,比我們對自己還更有信心:「應該不用了吧... 也來不及修改了,只要確認總件數是對的,到時候就是把準備好的菜,端上桌吧!」😎


但幸運的是,又一次平順安然的落幕,謝謝你們 🥰


✨ Listen carefully to customer needs and provide complete product experience and consulting services ✨
✨Using the highest specification ChromaLuxe® metal aluminum plate to print metal photos✨
✨We are professional in both photography and printing, providing a full range of services✨
✨Complete color management to ensure color accuracy✨
✨ Adhere to the delicate hand-made method to complete each metal image✨
✨Printing and mounting, the whole process is completed in the process room, no outsourcing processing✨

Let us help you recreate every wonderful and wonderful moment on the "Brilliant Metal Impression"

. real. Reality. catch. touch. Every precious memory.

We provide professional consulting services. You are welcome to tell us your needs, and we will provide the most suitable suggestions according to your needs!