If you don’t have the chance to see this exhibition in Tokyo, you can also buy related photography books in Taiwan~
Reference Photography Book: Masahisa Fukase 1961–1991 Retrospective Collection @ MOOM
If you don’t have the chance to see this exhibition in Tokyo, you can also buy related photography books in Taiwan~
Reference Photography Book: Masahisa Fukase 1961–1991 Retrospective Collection @ MOOM
特性 |
金屬照片 |
基材 | 相紙紙張 如EPSON, ILFORD等 | ChromaLuxe 金屬鋁板 |
製程原理 | 數位輸出 墨水停留在紙張表層 |
數位輸出+熱壓轉印技術,製程繁複 完成後墨水融入表面特殊塗層 |
典藏等級 | 典藏等級 | 典藏等級 |
解析度 | 高解析度,影像銳利 | 中等解析度,自然呈現 |
保存條件 | 最佳:保持在21℃/相對溼度50%以下 (不適合台灣高溫潮濕環境) |
不需要特定保存條件 (合適台灣環境,即使浴室及廚房也OK) |
防水性 | 不防水、不耐潮 (紙張有毛細孔,水氣會滲入紙張) |
防水、防潮濕 (表面塗層沒有毛細孔,水氣無法滲入) |
抗褪色性 | 不耐褪色 (紙張有毛細孔,會接收空氣污染源) |
可抗褪色 (表面塗層沒有毛細孔,杜絕空氣污染源) |
抗刮傷性 | 不耐刮 (紙張不耐刮,尤其黑色墨水易磨損) |
防刮傷 (表面塗層為硬質材質,平滑無毛細孔) |
耐污染性 | 不防化學藥劑不耐污染 (紙張有毛細孔,會接收化學藥劑) |
抗化學藥劑、耐污染 (表面塗層無毛細孔,化學藥劑無法滲入) |
可清潔性 | 無法清潔擦拭 |
容易日常清潔 (可使用清水或潔用酒精輕拭表面清潔保養) |
Our online ordering system accepts JPG and TIFF files, you are welcome to order directly in our Online order system Place an order and complete the ordering process.
If you need us to issue a formal quotation, you are welcome to upload a JPG or TIFF image file through this form, and tell us the printing details, and we will issue a formal quotation to you.
We use efficient Google Forms , a single form can upload up to 10 image files, and accept a single file with a maximum capacity of 1GB.
Weisi Imaging was established in 2016 and specializes in ChromaLuxe metal photo production.
The person in charge of Weisi Imaging studied photography in Vancouver, Canada from 2011 to 2014. He was an artist-in-residence and also held photography solo exhibitions. Because I was amazed by the visual effects of ChromaLuxe metal prints, I decided to focus on the research and production of metal photos.
Weiss Imaging not only prints high-quality metal photos, but is also the first printing center in Taiwan to assist artists in producing metal photos. Many of the artist's works have been collected by Taiwan's Art Bank.