插畫創作 X ChromaLuxe metal print 鋁板輸出

Illustration creation X ChromaLuxe metal print aluminum plate output

What illustrators need to know

Don’t just store the illustrations you worked so hard on in your computer!

If you want to export illustration works, but don’t want to use giclee, digital giclee , digital printing, etc. to export your works like other creators, then you must continue reading...

Maybe you are still worried about which paper to choose to print your illustration works, art paper , art paper, or canvas? But did you know that the base materials that can now output illustration works have already jumped out of paper? option!

No matter what kind of paper it is, as long as it is traditional paper, it is not resistant to high temperatures and cannot withstand the humid climate in Taiwan. Therefore, no matter which paper you choose, after three or five years, you will inevitably undergo the changes and changes that paper should have. Fate, such as moisture, color change, deterioration, etc...

ChromaLuxe Metal Print is your new choice

Because of this, we specially import the latest media material ChromaLuxe patented metal aluminum plate directly from the United States. This is a blank aluminum photo plate made locally in the United States and printed and output in Taiwan. The finished work is not only more eye-catching in texture, but also preserved. It’s also easier to use, and your illustration creations can be instantly transformed into bright, lifelike ChromaLuxe works!

No matter why you want to export illustration works, maybe you simply want to enjoy them yourself, make digital prints, or give them to relatives and friends as the most special gift, as long as your purpose is to have the following features after exporting the paintings Features, you must try our media material ChromaLuxe metal printing:

  • Stand out among many illustration creations
  • The color of the work is not distorted
  • The work can be preserved for a long time without fading
  • The work can be cleaned regularly and looks as bright as new
  • The work is not afraid of moisture and can withstand high temperatures. It is intended to be displayed in kitchens, bathrooms and other spaces.

We have specially listed the following comparison table to let you immediately understand the difference between ChromaLuxe metal printing and giclee printing, and also give you one more choice in the output media!

Why us?

In addition to introducing stunning media materials, high-quality and ultra-professional services are also one of our characteristics.

From pre-press to back-end operations, we have Sister Wei Si, who is professional in photography, to personally control the process. From file processing and printing to framing, packaging and shipping, all processes are completed in our own studio, completely Not only can you see the quality in the hands of others, but you can also grasp it in its entirety!

We have assisted many illustrators to realize their creations in ChromaLuxe metal prints. These works not only enriched their art exhibitions and made them more exciting, but also quietly traveled to the Taipei Illustration Art Festival and even went abroad. Competitions, such as the Taiwanese Artists Joint Exhibition in Zurich, Switzerland, and the Art Exhibition in Fukuoka, Japan!

The actual effect of the work and the details of the packaging of the work

We would like to express our special thanks to this illustration creator who has come here several times for production. Thank you for letting us share your work so that more illustrators can actually see the effect of illustration creation on metal impressions~

Thanks you!!




基材 相紙紙張
ChromaLuxe 金屬鋁板
製程原理 數位輸出
典藏等級 典藏等級
解析度 高解析度,影像銳利 中等解析度,自然呈現
保存條件 最佳:保持在21℃/相對溼度50%以下
防水性 不防水、不耐潮
抗褪色性 不耐褪色

抗刮傷性 不耐刮
耐污染性 不防化學藥劑不耐污染
可清潔性 無法清潔擦拭 容易日常清潔

💬 免費諮詢服務


《 上傳檔案給我們,詢問問題》


Our online ordering system accepts JPG and TIFF files, you are welcome to order directly in our Online order system Place an order and complete the ordering process.

If you need us to issue a formal quotation, you are welcome to upload a JPG or TIFF image file through this form, and tell us the printing details, and we will issue a formal quotation to you.

We use efficient Google Forms , a single form can upload up to 10 image files, and accept a single file with a maximum capacity of 1GB.

The author of this article, Weisi Image

Weisi Imaging was established in 2016 and specializes in ChromaLuxe metal photo production.

The person in charge of Weisi Imaging studied photography in Vancouver, Canada from 2011 to 2014. He was an artist-in-residence and also held photography solo exhibitions. Because I was amazed by the visual effects of ChromaLuxe metal prints, I decided to focus on the research and production of metal photos.

Weiss Imaging not only prints high-quality metal photos, but is also the first printing center in Taiwan to assist artists in producing metal photos. Many of the artist's works have been collected by Taiwan's Art Bank.

x-rite PANTONE

Professional color control

We have X-Rite PANTONE "Professional Color Control Expert" certification and strictly implement color management to ensure that each color is accurately presented.
Post Office

Top safe shipping

Within the post office specifications, we provide free shipping services to the mainland of Taiwan, and additional shipping insurance to ensure that the work is delivered to you safely.

Metal photo frameless painting

Provide "fixed" and "customized" various printing sizes
Learn about fixed size pricing