
Extra large size, super attractive, all in ChromaLuxe metal printing

Guess how big this work is? 😉

Extra large size, super attractive, all in ChromaLuxe metal printing

Maybe you can't see the size of this work, but you must guess that this is the largest work we have ever produced!

As long as you like the texture of ChromaLuxe metal photos, we will be happy to help you create a unique, shiny and proud work🤩

The largest size we can currently print is 40" x 60" (101.6cm x 152.4cm). If you would like a single aluminum panel piece to exceed this size, we unfortunately cannot help. If you are okay with the work being broken into components (printed in more than two pieces), we would be happy to continue discussing the possibility of printing the work with you!

The way we assist is roughly explained below:

  • You have a vision of what your work should look like: you are welcome to provide us with relevant photos for reference so that we can get into the situation more quickly, and please tell us——
    1. The final size of the work (for example, the bigger the better, minimum 200cm, no more than 200cm, etc.)
    2. Desired framing method (e.g. no frame, with frame, etc.)
    3. The number of components of the work, such as two pieces, three pieces, etc.
  • You don’t have any special ideas in mind: we can provide you with some examples of works we have produced for your reference, and then please tell us what the work you want to present looks like.






基材 相紙紙張
ChromaLuxe 金屬鋁板
製程原理 數位輸出
典藏等級 典藏等級
解析度 高解析度,影像銳利 中等解析度,自然呈現
保存條件 最佳:保持在21℃/相對溼度50%以下
防水性 不防水、不耐潮
抗褪色性 不耐褪色

抗刮傷性 不耐刮
耐污染性 不防化學藥劑不耐污染
可清潔性 無法清潔擦拭 容易日常清潔

The author of this article, Weisi Image

Weisi Imaging was established in 2016 and specializes in ChromaLuxe metal photo production.

The person in charge of Weisi Imaging studied photography in Vancouver, Canada from 2011 to 2014. He was an artist-in-residence and also held photography solo exhibitions. Because I was amazed by the visual effects of ChromaLuxe metal prints, I decided to focus on the research and production of metal photos.

Weiss Imaging not only prints high-quality metal photos, but is also the first printing center in Taiwan to assist artists in producing metal photos. Many of the artist's works have been collected by Taiwan's Art Bank.

x-rite PANTONE

Professional color control

We have X-Rite PANTONE "Professional Color Control Expert" certification and strictly implement color management to ensure that each color is accurately presented.
Post Office

Top safe shipping

Within the post office specifications, we provide free shipping services to the mainland of Taiwan, and additional shipping insurance to ensure that the work is delivered to you safely.

Metal photo frameless painting

Provide "fixed" and "customized" various printing sizes
Learn about fixed size pricing