「Metal Print Studio」係依據本服務條款提供網站內相關服務。當您完成「Metal Print Studio」會員註冊手續、或開始使用本服務時,即表示您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本服務條款之所有內容;未滿二十歲之未成年人,應事先獲得家長(或監護人)同意後方得繼續使用,若繼續使用則視為已取得家長(或監護人)的許可。「Metal Print Studio」保留修改或變更服務條款所有內容之權利,若經修改將公布在「Metal Print Studio」網站上,您同意將自行主動閱讀修改內容,「Metal Print Studio」不另行個別通知。
所有使用者皆須註冊成為「Metal Print Studio」會員,並填寫正確、完整的個人資料,始具有委託製作、生產、使用本服務之權利。成為會員後,您同意必需隨時更新、維護個人會員資料,若您提供的資料中若有任何錯誤、不實或欠缺必要資料時,「Metal Print Studio」有權拒絕您繼續使用本服務,並暫停或終止您的帳號,因此造成的損失由使用者自行負擔。
「Metal Print Studio」支持兒童保護條例,十二歲以上未滿十八歲之青少年使用本服務時,家長(或監護人)應全程在旁陪伴並已同意條款內容。
- 公布或傳送任何誹謗、侮辱、具威脅性、攻擊性、不雅、猥褻、色情、不實、違反公共秩序或善良風俗或其他不法之文字、圖片或任何形式的檔案。
- 過當描述賭博、吸毒、販毒、搶劫、竊盜、綁架、殺人、自殺過程或其他犯罪行為者。
- 使用之文字、符號、照片、圖片中包含對種族、國家、宗教、政治取向、性別歧視、仇恨、恐怖、血腥、殘暴、變態、裸露、性暗示等情節且表現方式強烈。
- 侵害或毀損「Metal Print Studio」或他人名譽、隱私權、營業秘密、商標權、著作權、專利權、肖像權、其他智慧財產權及其他權利。
- 違反依法律或本契約所應負之保密義務。
- 冒用或竊取他人帳號使用本服務。
- 惡意批評或在本網站傳輸、散佈電腦病毒等「Metal Print Studio」視為不當行為。
- 從事未經「Metal Print Studio」授權的商業行為。
- 在本網站或相關服務中,使用留言、部落格等方式,傳播傳銷訊息及廣告等;或張貼任何侵害他人智慧財產權或違反法令之資料。
- 對本服務其他用戶或第三人產生困擾、不悅或違反一般網路禮節致生反感之行為。
- 其他不符本服務所提供的使用目的之行為或「Metal Print Studio」有正當理由認為不適當之行為。
「Metal Print Studio」將盡力確保您的製作資料與個人資料於傳輸過程中被適當的加密保護,但個人使用之通訊網路或病毒侵害,本公司不負任何保護責任。使用本服務期間,發生突發性的設備故障、電子通信服務停止、電子通信設備保養維修時,或天災等不可抗力因素,「Metal Print Studio」有權隨時改變、暫停或終止本服務。若有重大事件或限制時,將另行公布通知。
基於個資法,未經您的同意,「Metal Print Studio」不會將您的個人資料提供予任何與本網站服務無關之第三人,僅供履行訂單服務和行銷統計分析使用。若有正當使用途徑時,「Metal Print Studio」會在活動時充分說明,並經您的授權許可後方才使用。
因使用本服務所提供之配送為交易流程所必須,您同意並授權「Metal Print Studio」將配送所必要之個人資料,如:收件人姓名、收件地址、連絡電話等提供予貨運業者。「Metal Print Studio」將盡力確保您個人資料之安全,但肇因於會員個人使用之通訊網路或病毒侵害致使資料外流,「Metal Print Studio」不負任何保護責任。
您在「Metal Print Studio」的個人資料、帳號、密碼都將受到多重保護。請妥善保管個人帳號與密碼,勿轉借、轉讓他人或與他人合用帳號,以確保您的資料安全性。當您發現帳號遭到他人盜用或其餘安全問題時,可透過客服信箱通知專人處理,倘若您的帳號密碼遭到盜用,且「Metal Print Studio」無法辨識是否為本人使用時,「Metal Print Studio」對其發生之損害不負法律責任。倘若發生上述情形,「Metal Print Studio」有權停止或終止帳號使用權利。
在符合法令前提下,「Metal Print Studio」:
- 保留隨時修改銷售之商品的內容、價格或規格,以及促銷內容及其他網路素材之權利,無須另外通知。
- 盡力正確地反應商品之庫存狀況,但不保證您訂購當時或訂單成立後均有網站上所提供銷售商品的數量。
- 保留限制銷售或可供銷售之數量。
- 將盡力提供正確且完整之網站內容(包括但不限於商品之描述或照片),但不擔保其內容係屬正確或無誤。
- 於網站之價格或其他重要資訊發生善意且明顯錯誤時,保留取消、終止或不履行訂單(包括不接受訂單)之權利。如本公司基於此等理由不履行訂單時,本公司將通知您訂單已被取消且將不會向您收費。
- 在您收到訂單確認信函後,保留接受或拒絕您的訂單,同時也保留在沒有事先通知您的情況下,提供低於您訂購數量的權利。
所有價格均以新台幣計價,網站上提供的價格,產品和服務如有任何變更,由「Metal Print Studio」在其網站上發布,恕不另行通知,請參閱我們的產品價格表以獲取完整資訊。
您同意支付訂單相關的所有費用,包括但不限於商品價格,運費,銷售稅,進口關稅,增值稅和清關費用(如果有的話)。您可以透過線上刷卡或是銀行轉帳兩種方式付款。我們保留向您的信用卡發卡銀行諮詢的權利,對於因未經授權即使用您的信用卡所遭受的任何損失,「Metal Print Studio」不承擔任何責任。一旦您的訂單進入我們的系統,我們將發送訂單確認信函到您的電子郵件地址。
未能支付100%款項將導致「Metal Print Studio」無法處理您的訂單。對於已支付訂金但尚未付清全額的訂單,「Metsl Print Studio」將保留該訂單30天,並會在此期間內發送電子郵件,告知您該筆訂單到期餘額。如果在上述期限內未支付到期餘額,「Metal Print Studio」有行使收取手續費的權利,並棄置任何未支付尾款的商品。同時,此期間內商品價格和規格如有變動,「Metal Print Studio」恕不另行通知。
如對信用卡帳目有任何爭議,您必須在收到信用卡對帳單7天內聯絡我們,同時,如果「Metal Print Studio」未收到您信用卡發卡銀行的款項,則您有義務另行支付所有應付款項。
「Metal Print Studio」網站所提供之郵購買賣服務,是由您自行設計、編修之產品,本網站僅提供個人化的產品製作服務。每件產品均屬個人訂製,係非大量生產之商品,故本服務不提供網路購物七天鑑賞期之服務。經由您自行編修及上傳影像、確認尺寸及材質、已閱讀服務條款,並下單付款成功後始同意完成購買流程,不可任意取消訂單,如有本公司認為不適當,或使本公司蒙受損害,本公司可視情況拒絕繼續交易,取消訂單所產生之相關費用(如手續費等)您須自行負擔。
您在下單購物及結帳流程完成時,即表示已確認所填具之訂單資料為正確內容,訂單資料包括但不限於收件人名稱、運送地址、聯絡電話、發票抬頭、統一編號、訂購產品規格,以及數量等,若有資料錯誤,與「Metal Print Studio」無關。訂單內容以下單時產生之電子訂購單「購買清單」為依據。
每件商品在出貨時皆有拍照錄影存證,當您收到產品時,在未經使用前,發現非人為惡意損壞之破損、貨品規格與訂單不符、印刷錯誤等其他可歸責於本公司之情況,可於收到產品的三日內提出問題申請,「Metal Print Studio」將在收到問題反應和確認問題歸屬後視情況提供處理辦法,處理範圍僅限製作作品本身,不溯及其他可能產生的費用。
非經「Metal Print Studio」書面正式授權同意,不得任意在本網站刊載廣告訊息。本網站所刊登之任何廣告內容、展示樣品或促銷訊息,均由廣告商或服務供應商提供。消費者與之產生之交易行為與「Metal Print Studio」無關。
「Metal Print Studio」所使用之軟體或程式,以及網站上所有內容,包括但不限於著作、圖片、檔案、資訊、資料、網站架構、網站畫面的安排、網頁設計,均由「Metal Print Studio」或其他權利人依法擁有其智慧財產權,包括但不限於商標權、專利權、著作權、營業秘密與專有技術等。任何人不得逕自使用、修改、重製、公開播送、改作、散布、發行、公開發表、進行還原工程、解編或反向組譯。若欲引用或轉載前述軟體、程式或網站內容,必須依法取得「Metal Print Studio」或其他權利人的正式書面授權。
基於對智慧財產權(包含著作權)之尊重與維護,您在此聲明任何您上傳、刊載、傳送、輸入或提供予「Metal Print Studio」之文字、圖片、檔案、說明等資料,均為您自行創作或得自他人合法授權,您承諾凡非屬您自行創作或得自他人合法授權之任何資料,您均不會將該資料上載、傳送、輸入或提供予「Metal Print Studio」;任何資料一經您上載、傳送、輸入或提供予「Metal Print Studio」時,即表示您同意:「Metal Print Studio」搜集、儲存、處理、管理該資料。若因此肇生違法或侵權行為,您必須自負損害賠償責任,一概與「Metal Print Studio」無關。
「Metal Print Studio」將盡力保障所有個人資料與檔案資料之安全,不會任其散播外流,非經本公司外流或由使用者自行洩漏,與「Metal Print Studio」無關。在「Metal Print Studio」網站中若有發現智慧財產權遭侵害之情事,請將所遭侵權之情形及聯絡方式,並附具真實陳述及提出合法智慧財產權之聲明,並利用「聯絡我們」中的聯絡方式聯絡「Metal Print Studio」。
您對「Metal Print Studio」之授權聲明
當您透過本服務確認訂單完成,並支付款項後,即代表同意授權「Metal Print Studio」使用您上傳、刊載、傳送、輸入或提供予之文字、圖片、檔案、說明等資料進行複製、編修、調整、印製您訂購的產品,無須再以書面契約方式簽訂授權。
「Metal Print Studio」網站提供之服務僅限於印製產品,產品內容係由使用者自行創造、設計、編排,製作過程中使用者上傳之圖片著作權應為使用者所有,如著作權屬第三人所有,使用者應自行取得著作授權。若因此肇生違法或侵權行為使用者必須自負損害賠償責任,一概與「Metal Print Studio」無關。
使用者於「Metal Print Studio」網站購買非使用者自行上傳之產品,其智慧財產權(包含著作權)屬原創作者所有,並授權予「Metal Print Studio」生產製作。其產品內容皆受著作權法保護,使用者不得私下進行再製,因此造成的所有損失「Metal Print Studio」有權向使用者請求損害賠償責任。
除購買產品必然產生的製作需要外,經您同意下,「Metal Print Studio」得以推廣目的使用您上傳的圖片進行複製、編修、調整、印製,使用於網路宣傳及實體文宣,此部分使用不另支付影像授權費用。
您同意在「Metal Print Studio」所發表之一切內容僅代表你個人之立場與行為,並同意承擔所有相關衍生之責任,本公司不負任何責任。您在「Metal Print Studio」網站中,所進行的任何不當行為和言論,「Metal Print Studio」保有刪除或禁止的權利。
「Metal Print Studio」對於網站中使用者之資料、檔案會進行定期備份,但對已經刪除、備份失敗或因不可抗力造成遺失與損毀之資料不負保管責任。若因故使得「Metal Print Studio」必須遷移、暫停或終止服務時,「Metal Print Studio」得提前通知並公布結算時間,不負其餘保固之責。
您在「Metal Print Studio」從事之行為需符合服務條款與法律規範,若有違反法令或不適當行為時,本公司得隨時停止您的帳號使用權利,使用者並須自負法律責任。
因應市場環境與政府政策法令的改變,本公司將會不時修訂服務條款。當有對相關規定大幅修改時,「Metal Print Studio」會在網頁上張貼告示,通知相關事項。
使用者若對於「Metal Print Studio」網站的隱私權聲明、或與個人資料有關之相關事項有任何疑問,可以利用「聯絡我們」中的聯絡方式與我們取得聯繫,我們將盡快為您服務。
Use of Service
CCP Metal Print Studio Ltd. ("Metal Print Studio," "the company", "we," or "us") provides online printing service (collectively the "Service") via www.metalprintstudio.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. By accessing and using the Service, you signify that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Terms of Service Agreement ("Terms" or "Agreement"). Any use or access to the Service by anyone under the age of 20 is strictly prohibited unless with the prior consent of the parent (or guardian). If you continue to use the Service, you are deemed to have obtained permission from a parent (or guardian). Metal Print Studio may, in its sole discretion, modify or update this Agreement from time to time without issuing individual notification. So you should review this page periodically. Your continued use of the Service after any such change constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms of Service Agreement.
User's Registration Obligations
All users are required to register as members of Metal Print Studio to use our Service and fill in correct and complete personal information with the right to entrust the production, production and use of the Service. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account. If you fail to provide accurate and necessary data, Metal Print Studio reserves the right to refuse you to continue using the Service and to suspend or terminate your account and we will not be liable for any losses caused.
Children and Youth Protection
Metal Print Studio supports Children and Youth Protection regulations. Parents (or guardians) should be accompanied by the entire time and have agreed to the Terms of Service when a teenager between the age of 12 and 20 uses the Service.
Your Responsibility
You may use the Service only if you can form a binding contract with Metal Print Studio, and only in compliance with this Agreement and all applicable local, national, and international laws, rules and regulations. Users outside the Republic of China (Taiwan) are required to agree to abide by the laws of your respective country or territory. You agree not to engage in any of the following prohibited activities:
- Post or transmit files that contains information that we deem to be unlawful, defamatory, humiliating to other people (publicly or otherwise), threatening, invasive to personal privacy or publicity rights, harrassing, infringing, pornographic, and contrary to public order and good morals.
- Describe excessively gambling, drug use, drug trafficking, robbery, theft, kidnapping, homicide, suicide or other criminal acts.
- Use the words, symbols, and/or images that we deem to be racially, ethnically, and politically offensive, and manifest in a strong manner about political orientation, sexism, hatred, terror, bloodshed, brutality, perversion, nudity, and sex implication.
- Infringe or destroy Metal Print Studio or other person's reputation, privacy, trade secret rights, trademark, copyright rights, patent rights, rights of publicity, other Intellectual Property Rights, and other intellectual property rights as may now exist or hereafter come into existence.
- Violate the obligation of confidentiality under the law or this Agreement.
- Use the Service by unauthorized access to other's account.
- Constitute malicious criticism or upload invalid data, viruses, worms, or other software agents through the Service that Metal Print Studio deems to be in breach of this Agreement.
- Use the Service for any commercial solicitation purposes without the authorization of Metal Print Studio.
- Post comments or blogs in the Website or other related service to disseminate marketing information and advertisement, etc., or post information violating other's Intellectural Property Rights or any law.
- Contains acts that cause disturbance, displeasure, or infringe general online etiquette to other users or third party of the Service.
- Contains other acts that are inconsistent with the purpose of use provided by the Service or that Metal Print Studio has reasonable grounds to consider inappropriate.
Our Service
We seek to use reasonable technical measures to protect your personal information during data transmission. However we will not be liable for any losses cased by any bugs, viruses or the like that may be transmitted to or through our Service by any third party. Metal Print Studio reserves the right to change, suspend or terminate the Service at any time in the event of sudden equipment failure, maintenance and cessation of electronic communication services, or force majeure factors such as natural disasters. A separate notice will be posted on our Website in the event of a major incident or restriction.
Collection and Use of Personal Information
Metal Print Studio will not provide your personal data to any third party who is not related to our Service. We may use the data for our business purposes, such as data analysis for developing new products, enhancing, improving and/or modifying our Services, etc. We will not share your personal information without prior consent and aouthorisation.
We and our service providers will use your personal information to complete and fulfill your purchase. You agree and authorize Metal Print Studio to disclose your personal information such as name, address, contact telephone number to our service provider. We seek to use reasonable organizational and administrative measures to protect your personal information that we maintain within our organization. However we will not be responsible for data losses caused by social medial platform or bugs, viruses or the like that may be transmitted to or through our Service by any third party.
Data Security
Your personal data, account number, and password in Metal Print Studio will be protected. Keep your personal account and password safe and do not lend, transfer or share your account with others to ensure the security of your data. You must notify Metal Print Studio immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account. Metal Print will not be liable for any losses caused by any unauthorized use of your account. In such circumstances Metal Print Studio reserves the right to terminate the use of the account.
Change, Typographical Error, Error And Cancelation
With the premise of complying with all applicable laws and regulations, Metal Print Studio :
- Reserves the right to modify the content, price and specification of products offered on the Website, and the promotional content and other materials without further notice.
- Makes a good faith effort to accurately reflect in-stock conditions, but does not guarantee the availability of the products offered on the Website during and after your order.
- Reserves the right for restricted sales or limited number of available items.
- Endeavors to provide accurate and complete content (including but not limited to product description or photos) on the Website, but does not guarantee that such content is free from error, or impeccable.
- Reserves the right to cancel, terminate or not fulfill the order (including not accepting the order) in case good faith and obvious errors occur in the prices or other critical information on the Website. If the Company does not fulfill the order due to these circumstances, the Company will notify you of the cancellation of your order, and will not charge you the order.
- Reserves the exclusive right at any time after receipt of your order, to accept or decline your order for any reason. The Company also reserves the right at any time after receipt of your order and without prior notice to you, to supply less than the quantity you order for any time.
Choose a payment Method
All prices are in NT dollars (TWD). Prices, products and services Metal Print Studio offers are subject to change without prior notice from time to time at our discretion upon posting on the Website. Please refer to our Product Price List for complete listings.
You agree to pay all fees and charges incurred in connection with your orders which include without limitation product prices, shipping charges, taxes, duty imports, value-added taxes and customs clearance, if any. Payment terms will be via online credit card transactions or via bank transfers. We reserve the right to refer to your credit card provider. Metal Print Studio will not be held liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of unauthorized use of your credit card by any other party. An electronic sales order confirmation will be sent to your email address once your order has been captured into our system.
Failure to submit a valid payment may result in refusal to process your order. In the case that an order with a paid deposit is processed, we will hold the order for 30 days. During this period and until the balance amount is paid in full, Metal Print Studio will send you an e-mail notice to inform you the balance due. If the balance due is not paid within the said period, we may exercise the right to charge a handling fee and discard any unpaid property. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice in any circumstances other than where an order has been accepted by us.
In cases of any charge disputes on your credit card statement , you must alert us by writing to our Customer Service via Contact Us Page within 7 days after receiving your credit card statement. If Metal Print Studio does not receive payment from your credit card issuer, you are obliged to pay all amounts due upon demand by Metal Print Studio.
Return and Exchange
「Your purchase from CCP Metal Print Studio Ltd. is custom-made product designed and edited by you. So your purchase is not subject to the 7-day return guarantee under the "Consumer Protection Law". All orders are placed and confirmed after you upload your image file, select the print size/surface/framing accessary, agree to the Terms of Service, and pay for the transaction. You may not cancel the order once the order is confirmed. We may refuse an order if we deem it inappropriate or it causes damage to the company. You are solely responsible for the costs (such as handling fees, etc.) associated with cancelling such an order.
When you complete the checkout process, you acknowledge all the information you have filled in is correct, including but not limited to the recipient's name, shipping address, contact telephone number, company name and business Tax ID number, product specifications, etc. CCP Metal Print Studio Ltd. holds no responsibility If there is an error in the information. All orders are processed based on the details of the Order Confirmation e-mailed to you right after the order is confirmed.
Each item is photo recorded at the time of packaging. In the event of product malfunction (i.e. product arrives damaged, product doesn't match ordered item) and other circumstances attributable to the company, you must contact us within three (3) days of receiving your product. We will provide a solution, as appropriate, after confirming attribution of the problem. The solution is limited to the production of the product itself and does not include other costs that may arise.
Third-Party Advertisement
Any advertising content is prohibited on the Website without prior written permission from Metal Print Studio. Any advertising content such as display samples or promotional messages posted on this Website are provided by third-party advertisers. Your dealings with or participation in promotions of advertisers found on the Service, including payment and delivery of goods, and any other terms (such as warranties) are solely between you and such advertisers. You agree that Metal Print Studio shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort relating to your dealings with such advertisers.
Copyright & Ownership of Content
The Service and all materials therein or transferred thereby, including without limitation, text, images, data, graphics, logos, web design, website structure, and content belonging to other users (the "Metal Print Studio Content"), and all Intellectual Property Rights related thereto, are the exclusive property of Metal Print Studio and its licensors (including other users who post their content to the Service). You agree that you will not license, modify, reproduce, publicly display, publicly perform, edit, distribute, publish, decompile, disassemble or derive the source code for the Software. You may not distribute or copy such material without the written permission of the copyright owner.
The content you provide in our Website including without limitation, text, images, data, and graphics, and the related copyright are owned by the original author. We do not and cannot review all submissions, and are not responsible for such content provided by you. You are solely responsible for all content and material you provide for the Service.
Based on the respect of intellectual property rights (including copyright), you hereby declare that any text, pictures, files, descriptions and other materials that you upload, publish, transmit, input or provide to "Metal Print Studio" are your own creations or legally authorized by others. You promise that you will not upload, transmit, input or provide any information to "Metal Print Studio" that is not created by you or legally authorized by others. When uploading, transmitting, inputting or providing to "Metal Print Studio", you agree that "Metal Print Studio" collects, stores, processes and manages the data. In the event of any illegal or tortious act, you must be liable for damages and have nothing to do with "Metal Print Studio".
We seek to use reasonable technical measures to protect data security of your uploaded files and will not disclose your content to any third party. If you wish to notify Metal Print Studio any case of copyright infringement, please contact us via Contact Us page in the Website or e-mail info@metalprintstudio.com. Please include the following information in the notification: description of the allegedly infriged work, reasonably sufficient information that allow us to understand the subject, statement that you have, out of good will, confirmed that the accused usage is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or relevant laws, and your address, telephone number and e-mail address.
Your Content License Grant
By posting your content on the Website, providing any text, pictures, files, descriptions and other materials to us, and make payment to complete your order, you expressly grant, and you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant, to Metal Print Studio, solely for providing or improving the Service, a royalty-free, sublicensable, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, edit, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and make derivative works of all such content. No further written contract is required.
The Service provided by Metal Print Studio is printing service, and the content is provided and created by you, including design and arrangement of the product. You must have the legal right to copy each image that you order, or have obtain the copyright if the content is not owned by you. You agree that any content you post does not and will not violate third-party rights of any kind, including without limitation any Intellectual Property Rights. You are solely responsible for all contents and materials you provide for the Service.
When you purchase product from Metal Print Studio with image file not provided by you, the Intellectual Property Rights (including copyrights) of such content is owned by the original author and protected by copyright law. Metal Print Studio has obtained necessary authorisation to produce the product. You agree not to reproduce the content in any means. For any violation by the user, Metal Print Studio reserves the right to request damage compensation for any loss caused and may cause in the future.
If you choose to publically share your content to the Service, you hereby grant Metal Print Studio a non-exclusive license to access your content, and to use, reproduce, distribute, display and perform such content as permitted through the functionality of the Service and under this Agreement. No license fee will be paid by Metal Print Studio.
You agree to take full responsibility for any messages or information you upload or transmit to the Website. Any request, litigation, claim, loss or damage (including attorneys' fees) advocated or borne initiated by a third party and as a result of your action, violation of the Agreement, or infringe third party rights, you agree to compensate Metal Print Studio of the damage and protect them from further damage. Metal Print Studio reserves the right, but is not obligated, to reject and/or remove any content that we believe, in our sole discretion, inappropriate.
Responsibility for Service Maintenance
Metal Print Studio has physical, administrative and technical security measures in place to protect personal information from loss. We are not responsible for keeping backups or for the loss of, deletion or corruption of, or damage to any content, images or any other materials. If, for any reason, Metal Print Studio must suspend or terminate the Service, Metal Print Studio will notify on the website in advance, without liability for any further warranty.
Your conduct in Metal Print Studio is subject to this Terms of service. If you violate the Terms or the website's policies, Metal Print Studio reserves the right to terminate your usage of the website at its discretion without prior notice. You are solely responsible for any violation against any laws and regulations or public order and good morals.
Privacy Policy
Metal Print Studio may change the Privacy Policy at any time in response to changes in the regulatory environment. We will notify you that changes have been made by indicating at the top of the Privacy Policy section on the Website.
Users who have any questions about the privacy Policy of Metal Print Studio or matters relating to personal information security may contact us via Contact Us page. We will help you to understand more about the matter.
Restrictions Of Governing Law, Competent Court And Litigation
The Terms shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China and construed in accordance with such laws except for the law of conflict of laws. No matter from where you enter and access the Website, you agree that any legal proceedings caused by or related to the Terms shall be filed at the Taiwan Taichung District Court and tried only at such courts, and you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree that such courts are the exclusive competent court for any litigation, legal action or procedure caused by the Terms.