「Metal Print Studio」網站所提供之郵購買賣服務,是由您自行設計、編修之產品,本網站僅提供個人化的產品製作服務。每件產品均屬個人訂製,係非大量生產之商品,故本服務不提供網路購物七天鑑賞期之服務。經由您自行編修及上傳影像、確認尺寸及材質、已閱讀服務條款,並下單付款成功後始同意完成購買流程,不可任意取消訂單,如有本公司認為不適當,或使本公司蒙受損害,本公司可視情況拒絕繼續交易,取消訂單所產生之相關費用(如手續費等)您須自行負擔。
您在下單購物及結帳流程完成時,即表示已確認所填具之訂單資料為正確內容,訂單資料包括但不限於收件人名稱、運送地址、聯絡電話、發票抬頭、統一編號、訂購產品規格,以及數量等,若有資料錯誤,與「Metal Print Studio」無關。訂單內容以下單時產生之電子訂購單「購買清單」為依據。
每件商品在出貨時皆有拍照錄影存證,當您收到產品時,在未經使用前,發現非人為惡意損壞之破損、貨品規格與訂單不符、印刷錯誤等其他可歸責於本公司之情況,可於收到產品的三日內提出問題申請,「Metal Print Studio」將在收到問題反應和確認問題歸屬後視情況提供處理辦法,處理範圍僅限製作作品本身,不溯及其他可能產生的費用。
「Metal Print Studio」將盡力確保您的製作資料與個人資料於傳輸過程中被適當的加密保護,但個人使用之通訊網路或病毒侵害,本公司不負任何保護責任。使用本服務期間,發生突發性的設備故障、電子通信服務停止、電子通信設備保養維修時,或天災等不可抗力因素,「Metal Print Studio」有權隨時改變、暫停或終止本服務。若有重大事件或限制時,將另行公布通知。
Return and Exchange
Your purchase from CCP Metal Print Studio Ltd. is custom-made product designed and edited by you. So your purchase is not subject to the 7-day return guarantee under the "Consumer Protection Law". All orders are placed and confirmed after you upload your image file, select the print size/surface/framing accessary, agree to the Terms of Service, and pay for the transaction. You may not cancel the order once the order is confirmed. We may refuse an order if we deem it inappropriate or it causes damage to the company. You are solely responsible for the costs (such as handling fees, etc.) associated with cancelling such an order.
When you complete the checkout process, you acknowledge all the information you have filled in is correct, including but not limited to the recipient's name, shipping address, contact telephone number, company name and business Tax ID number, product specifications, etc. CCP Metal Print Studio Ltd. holds no responsibility If there is an error in the information. All orders are processed based on the details of the Order Confirmation e-mailed to you right after the order is confirmed.
Each item is photo recorded at the time of packaging. In the event of product malfunction (i.e. product arrives damaged, product doesn't match ordered item) and other circumstances attributable to the company, you must contact us within three (3) days of receiving your product. We will provide a solution, as appropriate, after confirming attribution of the problem. The solution is limited to the production of the product itself and does not include other costs that may arise.
Our Service
We seek to use reasonable technical measures to protect your personal information during data transmission. However we will not be liable for any losses cased by any bugs, viruses or the like that may be transmitted to or through our Service by any third party. Metal Print Studio reserves the right to change, suspend or terminate the Service at any time in the event of sudden equipment failure, maintenance and cessation of electronic communication services, or force majeure factors such as natural disasters. A separate notice will be posted on our Website in the event of a major incident or restriction.