「美好回饋計畫」(以下簡稱”獎勵計劃“)是由瑋思影像|Metal Print Studio(以下簡稱”本公司“或”我們“)所擁有並控管的獎勵計劃,僅適用於在本公司網站註冊成為獎勵計劃的用戶(以下簡稱“計畫用戶”或”用戶“),並使用 Zinrelo 公司( 以下簡稱“平台商”)提供的獎勵計劃平台來執行。計畫用戶根據訂定的獎勵計劃規則(以下簡稱“獎勵規則”)參與獎勵計劃並獲得我們在網站內獎勵頁面所定義的活動積分,活動積分將存入用戶賬戶內,並可用於兌換獎勵(以下簡稱“獎勵”)。我們有權決定獎勵計畫的內容,並有權不定時更改獎勵規則,恕不再另行通知。
獎勵計劃僅適用於本公司年滿18歲且提供並維護有效電子郵件地址的客戶。如您加入我們的獎勵計劃,即表示您已年滿18歲。如您未滿18歲,您同意您已獲得父母或法定監護人的許可,以成為獎勵計劃的成員。 在註冊獎勵計劃時,您同意僅註冊一(1)個賬戶以賺取積分。
- 由本公司全權自行決定;
- 不定時更新,如有變更,恕不另行通知;
- 可能因促銷而異;
- 須經我們批准始生效;
- 在規定期限內或是某個活動期間能獲得的總積分可能有限制,我們有全權自行決定。
如您參與獎勵計劃即表示你已瞭解並同意本公司的獎勵規則。我們有權決定是否更改獎勵規則,且無需通知用戶。無論有否通知用戶, 在獎勵規則修改時,平台商不需對任何用戶或本公司負責。 如果發生變更,用戶繼續參與獎勵計劃即表示同意變更。 用戶可以選擇退出獎勵計劃,一旦終止,可以使用累積到終止日期當天的積分。 如果用戶選擇退出獎勵,積分立即停止累積,但是用戶可以隨時重新加入獎勵計劃並重新開始累積積分。
每位計畫用戶僅能以一個身份註冊並開始積累積分。 如發現有任何用戶試圖使用多個帳戶、ID或建立多個身份以獲得更多積分,我們有權自行決定取消該用戶繼續參與獎勵計劃的資格。
此獎勵計劃可由本公司自行決定終止。 終止通知應以本公司認為合理的方式告知用戶,包括但不限於在我們的官網公告,在臉書粉絲頁中告知,或是透過電子郵件發信通知。
本條款應以中華民國法律為準據法,並依該法進行解釋,但不適用其法律突衝法。 如果有任何獎勵稅,用戶應自行承擔責任。 再次強調,積分不可轉讓。
- 受獎勵規則和本公司決定事項的約束,而這些規則及事項是與本獎勵計劃所有相關事務的最終決定,以及
- 保障本公司以及平台商(以及其母公司、附屬公司、子公司、相關公司、部門、經銷商、批發商、合作夥伴、授權經銷商、零售商、贊助商、代表、供應商、承包商、繼承人、受讓人、委託人、股東、董事、高階主管、員工、廣告、服務及各式經紀人、出貨商和所有其他促銷合作夥伴)(在此統稱為“促銷合作夥伴”)免於因下列任一事項所造成的損失承擔任何責任或被索賠受罰:
- 資料有變更、延遲、遺失、損壞、銷毀、不準確、污損、誤導、殘缺、難以辨認、被盜、延遲、亂碼、或不完整,或是人員、電話、電腦、網路或技術故障(包括忙線或斷線);
- 他們的參與;
- 獎勵積分的累積、接受、使用、兌換、濫、持有、遺失或誤計,或是準備或參與任何相關活動;
- 所有與使用或濫用獎勵計劃有關的人員傷害或財產損害。
- 電腦病毒感染、故障、篡改、未經授權的干預、欺詐、技術故障或其他損害,造成獎勵計劃的管理、安全性、公平性、誠信度或正當性受損或遭受影響;或
- 地震、洪水、火災、颱風或其他自然災害、不可抗拒的天災、勞工爭議或其威脅、內亂或暴動、公共市場的破壞、戰爭或武裝衝突(無論是否正式宣布)
- 篡改獎勵計劃或官方網站的運作;
- 違反獎勵規則的行為;
- 違反我們網站的使用條款;
- 發生不道德或破壞性的行為;
- 企圖騷擾、濫用、威脅或騷擾本公司、其代表或參與獎勵計劃的其他用戶;
- 篡改、變更或企圖更動反映用戶積分的媒體;或
- 篡改、更改、嘗試更改、新建、嘗試新建或複製反映用戶積分的媒體。
- 不完整或不正確的信息、錯亂的傳輸,電信故障或服務中斷;
- 用戶使用本公司網站、積分或獎勵;
- 獎賞計劃印書品上的印刷或其他錯誤;
- 下列行為中所發生的錯誤或失誤:(i)授予、累積、接收或使用積分;(ii)廣告;或(iii)存取獎勵計劃;
- 獎勵規則的錯誤或變更、點數的選擇、通知和公告或獎勵的分配;
- 任何直接或間接的損害、損失、費用或
- 任何不正確的信息,無論是由網站用戶引起的、由與獎勵計畫相關或使用的設備或程序引起的,還是在處理獎勵計劃的內容時發生的任何技術或人為錯誤。
Joy.Reward's Terms and Conditions
The “Joy.Rewards" (the “Rewards Program”) is a loyalty program unique to 瑋思影像|Metal Print Studio (the "Participating Website") owned or controlled by 瑋思影像|Metal Print Studio (the "Website Owner") that is available only to registered users of the Rewards Program on the Participating Website ("Users"), and powered by Zinrelo. ("Platform Provider"). Users accessing and engaging with the Rewards Program in accordance with these Rewards Program Rules (the "Official Rules") can earn Points (defined below) for activities described on the Website. Points are then deposited into the User's account and can be used to redeem rewards ("Rewards") as outlined at a Rewards page on the Participating Website ("Rewards Site"). The Rewards may change from time to time, without notice, at the sole discretion of the Website Owner.
The Rewards Program is offered only to Participating Website customers who are at least 18 years of age and who provide and maintain a valid email address. By joining the program, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age or older. If you are under the age of 18, you agree that you have obtained permission from your parent or legal guardian to be a member of the program. When registering for the Rewards Program you agree to only register one (1) account for the purpose of accruing or earning Points.
The Rewards Program allows Users to earn Points while using, viewing, interacting or responding to a Website, in accordance with the rules of any promotion and the earning points provisions of these Official Rules. For the purposes of the Rewards Program, "Points" mean those particular Rewards Program measurement increments, which can be used to redeem certain Rewards. Points and their values are:
- determined by the Website Owner at its sole discretion;
- subject to change without notice;
- may vary among promotions;
- are subject to approval; and
- may be subject to a limit for the amount of points that may be earned during a defined period and/or for specific actions as determined at the sole discretion of the Website Owner.
All Points, including but not limited to earning, saving and using, must be used in compliance with these Official Rules. Points are not transferable and Points cannot be earned after the Rewards Program is terminated, as set forth below. Unless prohibited by law, unused Points are forfeited upon termination of the Rewards Program.
Participation in the Rewards Program constitutes acceptance of these Official Rules. These Official Rules may change, in Website Owner's sole discretion, with or without notice to any User. The Platform Provider shall not be liable to any User or Website Owner for any changes in the Official Rules. If a change occurs, the User's continued participation in the Rewards Program shall constitute agreement to the changes. A User may terminate participation by opting out of Rewards Program or by notifying Website Owner, and upon such termination the User may use Points accumulated up to the date of termination. If User opts out of Rewards, points accumulation ceases immediately, however User may rejoin program and commence point accumulation at any time.
A User may have only one identity that can be used to accrue Points for the Website's promotions. Any User or person who tries to use more than one user account, user ID or create more than one identity to obtain more Points shall be disqualified at Website Owner's sole discretion.
Subject to change, Users may earn a certain number of Points for particular activities as those Point-earning activities or through a particular promotion through which a User is invited to participate.
Points and point-earning activities shall be reflected in a widget displayed on the Website and/or on Facebook.com and may be recorded for review by the Website Owner. Points will be deposited in a commercially reasonable time after they are earned. Any inquiries regarding Points not correctly deposited must be received by Website Owner within fourteen (14) business days of the date of alleged accrual of Points. A User's earned Points are not transferable.
To earn points, the user must be signed in to the Participating Website with the same account they signed up for the Rewards Program.
Users will earn Rewards as described or through a particular promotion through which a User is invited to participate. Depending upon the Reward earned, either the User will receive the Reward from the Website Owner or from the Platform Provider directly. If a User has questions or concerns regarding their Reward, they can contact the support team of the Website Owner.
This Rewards Program may terminate at Website Owner's sole discretion. Notice of termination shall be provided to Users in the manner Website Owner deems reasonable, including but not limited to, posting such notice on the Website Owner Website, Facebook application or via email.
Points may expire, subject to applicable law. Users must redeem and use all Points before expiration or the effective date of termination. However, notice of early termination shall not be provided for any actions, petitions or adjudications associated with bankruptcy, insolvency, assignments to creditors or material business interruptions of Website Owner, or the Platform Provider.
The Terms shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China and construed in accordance with such laws except for the law of conflict of laws. Taxes on Rewards if any, are the User's sole responsibility. Again, Points are not transferable.
By participating in the Rewards Program, Users agree:
- to be bound by these Official Rules and by the decisions of Website Owner, which are final on all matters pertaining to this Rewards Program, and
- to release, indemnify and hold harmless Website Owner and Platform Provider (and their parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, related entities, divisions, distributors, wholesalers, partners, licensees, retailers, sponsors, partnerships, representatives, vendors, contractors, successors, assignees, principals,shareholders, directors, officers, employees and agents, and their advertising, promotion, fulfillment agencies and all other promotional partners) (collectively the "Promotional Partners") from any liability or claims for damages from
- altered, late, lost, damaged, destroyed, inaccurate, defaced, misdirected, mutilated, illegible, stolen, delayed, garbled, misrouted, incomplete entries or human, telephone, computer, online or technical malfunctions (including busy lines and disconnections),
- their participation,
- the awarding, acceptance, receipt, use, redemption, misuse, possession, loss or misdirection of any Points or Rewards or preparing for or participation in any related activity or
- all damages or injury to persons or property related to use or misuse of the Rewards Program.
The Rewards Program shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China and construed in accordance with such laws. Website Owner and all entities involved in conducting this Rewards Program, reserve the right in their sole discretion to limit participation in the Rewards Program, assess varying Point values to Point earning opportunities, and to terminate or disqualify any User’s involvement in the Rewards Program.
Website Owner and Platform Provider are not responsible for the inability of a User to accept, redeem and/or use Rewards for any reason, including any third-party's terms and conditions and/or the terms of business and operations for a particular entity. Normal Internet access and usage charges imposed by a User's online service shall apply.
Website Owner reserves the right to modify, suspend and/or terminate the Rewards Program, without notice, in whole or in part, in the event of computer, programming, system errors or other issues which are beyond Website Owner's control and that affect Website Owner's ability to proceed as intended. If the Rewards Program is not capable of running as planned for any reason, including those due to:
- infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failure or other causes which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Rewards Program; or
- earthquake, flood, fire, storm or other natural disaster, act of God, labor controversy or threat thereof, civil disturbance or commotion, disruption of the public markets, war or armed conflict (whether or not officially declared),
Website Owner reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, or suspend the Rewards Program without obligation or prior notice.
Any attempts by any User to access the Rewards Program via a bot script or other brute-force attack shall result in that User becoming ineligible and forfeiting any and all accrued points. Any use of automated means, whether programmatic or robotic or the like, to gather Points shall result in a disqualification of the User from the Rewards Program. Website Owner, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to disqualify and terminate participation of any User or other user of the Participating Website found to be:
- tampering with the operation of the Rewards Program or the Participating Website;
- acting in violation of the Official Rules;
- violating the terms of use of the Participating Website;
- acting in an unethical or disruptive manner;
- acting with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass Website Owner, their representatives or any other User in any manner related to the Rewards Program;
- tampering with, altering, or attempting to alter any medium that reflects the amount of Points a User has accrued; or
- tampering with, altering, attempting to alter, creating, attempting to create or duplicate the medium that reflects the amount of Points a User has accrued.
A User committing any of the foregoing violations shall, at Website Owner's sole discretion, forfeit the Points earned from illegal or fraudulent means.
Website Owner and Platform Provider are not responsible or liable for:
- incomplete or incorrect information, garbled transmissions, and telecommunications failures or service interruptions;
- a User’s use of the Participating Website, Points or Rewards;
- for typographical, printing or other errors in the offer or administration of the Rewards Program;
- errors, irregularities or failures in: (i) awarding, accumulating, receiving, redeeming or using Points; (ii) advertising; or (iii) accessing the Rewards Program;
- mistakes in or changes to the Official Rules, the selection, notification and announcement of the Points or the distribution of Rewards;
- any direct or indirect damage(s), loss(es), expense(s) or
- any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by web site users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Rewards Program or by any technical or human error which may occur in the processing of submissions in the Rewards Program.
Website Owner assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft of or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, points or point accruing activities.
Website Owner is not responsible for any problems, failures or technical malfunction of any online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, hardware/software, players or browsers, failure of email or points or point accruing activities due to or resulting from technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any web site or combination thereof, including injury or damage to Users or to any other person's computer related to or resulting from participating or downloading materials in this Rewards Program.
Unless otherwise indicated in these Official Rules, by entering and participating in the Rewards Program, the User agrees to the Website Owner’s privacy policy located on the Participating Website.
By participating in the Rewards Program, you affirm that you are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Official Rules, and to abide by and comply with these Official Rules. If any provision of these Official Rules is found to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these Official Rules and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
These Official Rules constitute the entire agreement between User and Website Owner relating to the subject matter herein and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements between User and Website Owner with respect to such subject matter. These Official Rules may not be changed, waived or modified except by Website Owner as provided herein or otherwise by written instrument signed by Website Owner. These Official Rules and/or any right, obligation, or remedy hereunder is not assignable, transferable, delegatable, or sublicensable by a User except with Website Owner's prior written consent, and any attempted assignment, transfer, delegation, or sublicense shall be null and void. Website Owner may assign, transfer, or delegate these Official Rules or any right or obligation or remedy hereunder in its sole discretion.